Congrats on xxxxxxx off so many people guys, your recent changes and the total unpredictable nature of the game has driven many to leave. You have ruined what was a good game, i'm not a top team by any means, but enjoyed building a team, and sometimes beating a bigger team with MB's and strats, but now it's a coin toss who wins, and if you play away you stand more chance of inning than at home ! Players who are maxed play worse than lower players, the rules don't make sense, very lower teams beating top teams on a regular basis ! And this change is to make it more real ?? Guess what guys its not, you get lower teams beating top teams every match, they have better players, your game doesn't make better players a difference, in fact they make no difference. Stop all this madness, and take back the last up date till you have released upgrade notes explaining what the changes are.