Best strategist's in the game ranking system who have spent NO money?

23/09/17 11:56
You've only yourself to blame if you haven't figured out by now how to build up enough RP to bid on maxed out players in the auction house.
23/09/17 12:05
23/09/17 12:30
DENIAL springs to mind... what a joke from some one who has admitted spending money on players. Absolute farce!! No point in getting in a never ending tit for tat with u trolls. I will look forward to playing 'real life' rugby next week. This is definitely my last comment but what a shame none of you keyboard warrior trolls have enough strength of character to stand on your own and have your own opinion - 'pathetic' - no respect given from our players to your clique. Au Revoir :-)))
23/09/17 12:32
Dragon blade :

Gentlemen I have exposed a credit card clique of players. Players in guilds would rather lose 100 - 0 than be fortunate enough to have loads of gold balls handed to them in error or to heavily use their CREDIT CARD to get to the top. I'll close this thread as have made my point :-D.

I love how this is the third time you have said you can close the thread. Still haven't learned you can't. Oh, and just a reminder to everyone that I'm horrible at this game, but while I was asleep I managed to beat one of the best strategists in this game even though they used subs. None of us understand how they are the best at sttats, there is no evidence they are the best, but dragon says so therefor it is so. All hail fod, the worst best guild in the history of the game, or is it the best worst guild, I'm confused...but oh well.
23/09/17 12:34
Well excuse me Dragon Blade but we have and it is not difficult to work out how to make money but then it takes time which you clearly do not have as you live on here insulting people. Invest it in the game and then come back but as Terra says you will not need to do so.
23/09/17 12:39
Dragon blade :

DENIAL springs to mind... what a joke from some one who has admitted spending money on players. Absolute farce!! No point in getting in a never ending tit for tat with u trolls. I will look forward to playing 'real life' rugby next week. This is definitely my last comment but what a shame none of you keyboard warrior trolls have enough strength of character to stand on your own and have your own opinion - 'pathetic' - no respect given from our players to your clique. Au Revoir :-)))

The one person attempting to troll calls everyone that is up front and honest trolls? Dragon, we have been very nice trying to help you see your errors, we have tried to point out your frequent hypocrisy and inability to stay on subject, you throw outlandish insults and lies at people and when they disprove them you ignore and do the next insult or lie. I would call you a troll but that is a huge insult to the art of trolling. You are using a sledge hammer truing to lay roof. Hypocrite, thy name is dragon blade
23/09/17 13:07
I also just looked at your team dragon, looks to me like all this is an attempt to become 'forum famous' before your team retires since most are 31 yo and a lot of the rest are 30. Your team is dying and you don't understand what people are telling you about the ah, and a lot of good advice was actually provided if you would take the time to read and not try so hard to troll. Sadly at champ 48 the ah learning curve is probably to steep especially since you are starting with very few rp. But regardless, it's your choice how you act on here, we can't change that. My mom used to tell me words of wisdom, 'you can't fix stupid' I'm still hopeful that doesn't apply to you
23/09/17 13:56
Black Monks :

Dragon blade :

Gentlemen I have exposed a credit card clique of players. Players in guilds would rather lose 100 - 0 than be fortunate enough to have loads of gold balls handed to them in error or to heavily use their CREDIT CARD to get to the top. I'll close this thread as have made my point :-D.

I love how this is the third time you have said you can close the thread. Still haven't learned you can't. Oh, and just a reminder to everyone that I'm horrible at this game, but while I was asleep I managed to beat one of the best strategists in this game even though they used subs. None of us understand how they are the best at sttats, there is no evidence they are the best, but dragon says so therefor it is so. All hail fod, the worst best guild in the history of the game, or is it the best worst guild, I'm confused...but oh well.

I laughed at this.
23/09/17 14:02
Black Monks :

Dragon blade :

Gentlemen I have exposed a credit card clique of players. Players in guilds would rather lose 100 - 0 than be fortunate enough to have loads of gold balls handed to them in error or to heavily use their CREDIT CARD to get to the top. I'll close this thread as have made my point :-D.

I love how this is the third time you have said you can close the thread. Still haven't learned you can't. Oh, and just a reminder to everyone that I'm horrible at this game, but while I was asleep I managed to beat one of the best strategists in this game even though they used subs. None of us understand how they are the best at sttats, there is no evidence they are the best, but dragon says so therefor it is so. All hail fod, the worst best guild in the history of the game, or is it the best worst guild, I'm confused...but oh well.

Hahaha classic!
23/09/17 14:08
Be careful though guys. Not only is Dragon Blade a real life professional rugby player, he's also a kickboxer, MMA fighter, Krav Maga champion, starred in Terminator 3, directed Bloodsport, best worst strategist in Rugby Manager, and has a pink belt in Snakes and Ladders. And rumour has it has done all this without a credit card and in normal working hours.