05/08/17 07:52
Ashley Longthorn :

i'm the sames as hawkes never spent a penny and also don't have 1 player over 200 I have a few that are close but not quite hitting that mark yet and yes see your point didn't see it from that point of view tbh

If your defending against coiner teams offline In training games your level or higher you should be happy! If not your strategy needs some work or/& your not applying your training points to the right areas!

Every now and then a team afew levels lower can catch you out with good strategy! as it seems one strategy can not beat all, this does keep the game interesting

HBM Aka Steve Hansen

05/08/17 19:29
Please remove MB or stagger it as Wizz has suggested. At the very least, please add it to the 'Dom' and 'Ext' buttons so we can see how many stars were used. Sports Gear is visible post match, why not MB??
06/08/17 06:04
Rucking Broncos - Bad Mother Ruckers :

Please remove MB or stagger it as Wizz has suggested. At the very least, please add it to the 'Dom' and 'Ext' buttons so we can see how many stars were used. Sports Gear is visible post match, why not MB??

Great idea, I feel we have been lied to and cheated into thinking we would be match bonus free, just to keep us in the game

Not impressed at all! A lot of us were going to pack up before this promise of a 1% decrease every season. To find out now it's been capped at 10% which is still to strong considering it can be 20-30 points difference between using mb and not using it.

06/08/17 23:10
Get rid of this sh*t match bonus... lets keep the games fair.. this is currently ruining the game amounst top competitors..
07/08/17 20:25
If someone can speak correctly in french and wants to explain to me, u will be welcome
11/08/17 01:53
Not a big poster on the forums myself but bonus ruins the game and needs to be completely removed. Played a tournament semi-final with me at home tonight and lost 10-31. Subsequently played the same team in a friendly and changed nothing in my tactics and guess what...I won 31-0. Bonus covers up shoddy gameplay, player stat allocations and tactics....remove it now!!!!
11/08/17 06:17
Please remove Match bonus its killing the game
11/08/17 07:38
Away with MB. Lets make the playing ground level and see who is truly the best guilds..
11/08/17 09:49
Get MB gone especially for the top championship divisions.
11/08/17 11:32