... the mechanics of their game/coding is stuffed?
The reason I say this, is that there is NO explanation for teams that are 9 levels lower than me, that are also physically weaker than my whole team, their energy level percentage was far far lower too, also, I had MAX energy, MAX sporting equipment (so at worse I am EVEN with them)...
So, why is it that their team were running like Usain Bolt and my team looked like they were in a wheelchair ffs AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE AN IRANIAN FLAG! ... Even my "packed" players have given up! (So, I've lost good money paying out for them now wasn't it!)
I can only come to the conclusion that Sweet Nitro have either:
(A) Unknowingly flicked a switch and need to sort their chit out (and fast!),
(B) Stuffed the game up for "Western" players because they have sold their soul to satan,
(C) Just do not care any more because they are fed up with this game (just like me now) or
(D) Messed with my players and team mechanics because I had the audacity to send them a complaint letter (to which they only addressed half of the complaint and assumed it was a final answer... ER NO STILL WAITING FOR THAT!
So, with the mechanics they way they are, there literally is NO point in playing anymore, only to feel I am having the p*ss taken out of me!
I know for a fact that I am not the only one feeling like this... So, if someone from Sweet Nitro reads this (and should do if they're doing their job properly!) then Sweet Nitro should strongly consider making this game EVEN on a GLOBAL scale (levels aside obviously) as there is likely to be a mass exodus, as what is the point of making "purchases" (with REAL money) if it is not going to make the slightest affect/ difference to the way the game is played?
I don't care what ANYONE says... the game has changed for the worse.
The reason I say this, is that there is NO explanation for teams that are 9 levels lower than me, that are also physically weaker than my whole team, their energy level percentage was far far lower too, also, I had MAX energy, MAX sporting equipment (so at worse I am EVEN with them)...
So, why is it that their team were running like Usain Bolt and my team looked like they were in a wheelchair ffs AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE AN IRANIAN FLAG! ... Even my "packed" players have given up! (So, I've lost good money paying out for them now wasn't it!)
I can only come to the conclusion that Sweet Nitro have either:
(A) Unknowingly flicked a switch and need to sort their chit out (and fast!),
(B) Stuffed the game up for "Western" players because they have sold their soul to satan,
(C) Just do not care any more because they are fed up with this game (just like me now) or
(D) Messed with my players and team mechanics because I had the audacity to send them a complaint letter (to which they only addressed half of the complaint and assumed it was a final answer... ER NO STILL WAITING FOR THAT!
So, with the mechanics they way they are, there literally is NO point in playing anymore, only to feel I am having the p*ss taken out of me!
I know for a fact that I am not the only one feeling like this... So, if someone from Sweet Nitro reads this (and should do if they're doing their job properly!) then Sweet Nitro should strongly consider making this game EVEN on a GLOBAL scale (levels aside obviously) as there is likely to be a mass exodus, as what is the point of making "purchases" (with REAL money) if it is not going to make the slightest affect/ difference to the way the game is played?
I don't care what ANYONE says... the game has changed for the worse.