I sent this to support this morning, anyone else getting this issue?
“Over the years I have repeatedly reported videos that freeze and go into error requiring reboot.
Nothing is ever done about it.
This morning I have attempted dozens of times to play the free videos for recruiter coins on my iPad with constant failures, freezing and errors requiring complete reboot with similar issues on my tablet.my iPad will not even go past the second of six free videos.
As a paying customer I demand action to sort it.
My equipments is new and both working fine in every other aspect so they are not to blame.
No doubt you are still picking up the clicks from your sponsors and earning revenue while I go round in circles trying to play the game in which I pay for.
And no doubt you will respond with an inane email putting the responsibility back into my.
You have successfully destroyed what is a great game with your ludicrous updates forcing many loyal customers to leave.
I left for a long period and against my better judgement starting playing and paying you money to play.
This will stop until you resolve this problem and I will for a second time report to Apple and obtain a refund of what I have spent.
No other retail business treats their customers with such disdain frankly and it still amazes me you still
have customers spending money.”
“Over the years I have repeatedly reported videos that freeze and go into error requiring reboot.
Nothing is ever done about it.
This morning I have attempted dozens of times to play the free videos for recruiter coins on my iPad with constant failures, freezing and errors requiring complete reboot with similar issues on my tablet.my iPad will not even go past the second of six free videos.
As a paying customer I demand action to sort it.
My equipments is new and both working fine in every other aspect so they are not to blame.
No doubt you are still picking up the clicks from your sponsors and earning revenue while I go round in circles trying to play the game in which I pay for.
And no doubt you will respond with an inane email putting the responsibility back into my.
You have successfully destroyed what is a great game with your ludicrous updates forcing many loyal customers to leave.
I left for a long period and against my better judgement starting playing and paying you money to play.
This will stop until you resolve this problem and I will for a second time report to Apple and obtain a refund of what I have spent.
No other retail business treats their customers with such disdain frankly and it still amazes me you still
have customers spending money.”