Hey PIMPS high and low

30/03/19 02:35
It comes as it comes . al I cando is learnin and get better . I I do not beat ya today maybe
tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow. or some later. I will be around LOL
30/03/19 02:38
Damn you have a kick ass attitude your making it hard not to like you. Good luck with you and I will be keeping my eye on you. Dont burn out to early We need teams at your level to make it to the 60s to keep the game going.
30/03/19 02:45
Thanks Tom, but as you found out the second time i am too old to give up LOL,
But cudos to you and your team -- you are a lot tougher than the Lill PIMPS.

Will be some head buttin lookin foerward to it. One that beats me 2-3 TD he is in my reach

all the best WIZZ
30/03/19 02:59
Honored to have the invite !!!!! you know who send it.
As you can tell loved my first guild and i do want to stay true to my second.
We are a nitty, gritty band with a lot of improovement.
Would feel i kinda cheated on them. We trust each other.
Some more talkative (maybe ME?), Snopes sometimes, some cool and collected NERD / Seriusfun
but we work so well togehter. Would be a shame on me to leave this bunch.
First time I said it openly LIke that bunch from bacon to jaggernaut.
30/03/19 04:07
Sometimes i would like to earn boobs like you show them BaHa Ha.

Holy if that is you in the guild - you improved BIGtime
Agh who cares love yah !!!!!!!!! All the verybest

30/03/19 18:14
So wizards who is your first team or are you scared to let anyone know incase pimps want to slap his ass like they do yours
30/03/19 18:20
Oh you think Kracken backed down you have no clue he will come back and kick the shit out of you. You already have bought players you punk ass bitch Kracken has none and he still gives you a good game. Kracken will stomp your ass
30/03/19 19:53
True wizzards. HAHAHA!!! I like you. As Tom (Bullz said) nice to have a new fiery person like you. However, many of us have been around since the beginning. Lot of history. As many have stated, be careful what you say, just as long as not personal.

We have a lot of fun. We talk shit about our teams, but not about each other.

And beer is fun. LOL. Getting it now. This made more sense in my head.

I hate don.

Myrtle Beach Raiders. Haunted Palace.

30/03/19 22:33
Cudos Jason as long as we keep it with our teams all is cool I like talking shit haven't been here since beginning but been here almost 2 yrs
30/03/19 22:33
Cudos Jason as long as we keep it with our teams all is cool I like talking shit haven't been here since beginning but been here almost 2 yrs