Hey PIMPS high and low

27/03/19 02:28
Thou Mayest :

KC give me a hour or so and I’ll try to install. I never did

If u do cool if not o well. Respected ur team from longggg before the merges and all the other stupid crap. Would like to chat about our game this season.
27/03/19 02:29
I’m there
27/03/19 02:30
true Wizzards :

UGh LILL Outsiders - aka - bout that action - and fast risers . Lill Pimps -- 23 - 19 Oh my god
Bout that action kicked ass. looks like i am kinda outsider ( 2-0) in this GC

I haven't seen fire like this in some time! Glad ur on my side!
27/03/19 02:31
Cowboys4Life :

Karl, you don't have to answer anything man......I was just asking in hopes of clearing things up......if it was truly to retool and comeback stronger, then I wish you luck...….becuz away from the game too long can or cant help ya...…….jammin', if it was planned?...then so be it......what is possibly stopping you all from getting it back together?......playin the waiting game with them maybe?....gonna see if they drop their guild and go back to their homes?......I have a sneaky feeling that's probly NOT gonna happen......but until then, OUR group continues to get stronger and stronger....we are a small ways off yet.....But not too far.....as far as Individual game goes......KARL, you and I have gone back and forth....and if you really think im going away anytime soon....GUESS again...….

I don't want you going away... Why are you thinking that? I like competitions. In a few seasons I'm back for ya
27/03/19 02:35
LOL.....you can bet 1 thing for sure KARL......this COWBOY will be ready.....and if you PIMPS do ever decide to put your group back together...Trust me when I say this.....THE BAR is much tougher now than we were...…..it will be a welcome shootout if it happens.....
27/03/19 13:07
Thou Mayest :

Jammin, it’s cool. Play the game how you want. But if I’m in the Pimps shoe’s and I saw that challenge coming, I’d postpone whatever and take it with arms open wide. I mean when is the last time you guys had the opportunity to be great and do something you shouldn’t be able to do. Moments like that don’t come around too often. In my opinion you guys are the lesser for not stepping up.

It certainly didn’t take long for you and your parrot to interject yourselves into a conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with you or your guild, but I’m not surprised. Hijacking threads is generally good therapy for trolls, so I expect it to continue.

Jammin summed it up well but I will expound on this subject a little more even though we don’t owe anyone an explanation, although I did explain the reasoning to Randy because I respect him and his guild.

We decided to rebuild before the merger of the “Super Guild” mostly due to several of our players, including me, were to the point of walking away from the game due to the condition of our teams. The best way for us to stay engaged in the game was to drop back and rebuild. I wouldn’t expect you to understand as you’ve never been in our shoes or position as a guild, and the reality is you probably won’t be for quite some time, if ever.

Your uninformed opinion on why and when we decided to rebuild is meaningless to us as we recognize it as childish trolling at best. Try harder.

We’ve never backed down from any challenge and our undefeated status in GC’s will attest to that. Our first and foremost priority is to keep our guild alive and strong and the consensus among all of us with the Pimps was to drop back and rebuild, and it was the right decision regardless of yours or anyone else’s uninformed opinion.

With that being said, continue to work on building your average guild and maybe get some help for your Pimps obsession/jealousy.
27/03/19 14:42
Cowboys4Life :

LOL.....you can bet 1 thing for sure KARL......this COWBOY will be ready.....and if you PIMPS do ever decide to put your group back together...Trust me when I say this.....THE BAR is much tougher now than we were...…..it will be a welcome shootout if it happens.....

I am just a lowly level 20 but I can figure out how to look teams over. So if you guys are REALLY looking to have a competition why not have everyone sit out their 4/200 paypal players and do it based upon actual strategy and skill?
27/03/19 15:11
Then you should look again the amount of PayPal players won't tell you how good a team is... It's not that easy. I think PayPal players are overrated. If you want to be a part in the top 10 - and I'm talking about a longer stay - then you have to max out your whole team in the attributes this post needs. In that case a PayPal player isn't stronger anymore.

And hey. Those players are part of the game. It would be senseless to play without them.

I got a few as well. Mainly bc of the shitty AH. At lev 20 there is no problem... I know.
27/03/19 16:01
let me get my popcorn.
27/03/19 16:19
str3ifenkarl :

Then you should look again the amount of PayPal players won't tell you how good a team is... It's not that easy. I think PayPal players are overrated. If you want to be a part in the top 10 - and I'm talking about a longer stay - then you have to max out your whole team in the attributes this post needs. In that case a PayPal player isn't stronger anymore.

And hey. Those players are part of the game. It would be senseless to play without them.

I got a few as well. Mainly bc of the shitty AH. At lev 20 there is no problem... I know.

What I am talking about is not a sleight on you in any way Karl. I had the benefit of playing a couple seasons with a guild that taught me how to apply training points so I understand what you are saying about a well trained player is just as good as a paypal player. Could not agree with that more. But look at it from another perspective. You have close to 90 players on your roster and if I count right 8 are paypal players, less than 10% of your roster, and assuming they all start around 36% of your starting lineup. That tells me that you are training your team and have bought a few players to fill in gaps. I get it, and you are right, they are part of the game. Cowboys on the other hand has about 40 players on his roster and if I counted right 17 of them are paypal players, that is over 40%. Assuming they are all starting that is 77% of his starting lineup. That tells me that he is not putting the effort into his team that you do and that he is relying more on his credit card to stay in your league. Once again, part of the game. Now look at it from my perspective. If you were a player like me (rather new) who would you rather listen to and learn from? A smart man would say you, because you are the real deal.