09/10/17 18:59
It's been confirmed on several tickets logged by several players MB will not be removed in the next update (or anytime soon if ever for that matter)
09/10/17 22:47
Seems like the next mission for you el President. Reality is that it is pointless anyway if everyone is using it in the league. Pro Try actually has a point in that the Sports Shop needs to be removed as it will just drive up prices their effectively. Equally it also relates to the lack of an update as because it is so long many have already updated their complete set of buildings. So it does not force the hard decisions of should I upgrade buildings or fund mb or buy sportswear. This update needs to be out by the end of the reason to see the impact on day one of next season.
10/10/17 21:01
Yes please. Remove the match bonus.
11/10/17 05:11
Get rid of it. Its wrecking the game and too many players are leaving because of it
12/10/17 10:16
Keep match bonus.. everyone has the chance to use it or save money so dont cry when we m.b. users beat you... my buildigs are behind because i used it forever so if you kill m.b. off i need to be compensated with 1000 gold balls
12/10/17 10:19
And i want a sport shop thrown in too... thankyou WESTERN AUSTRALIA DUGITES... leader of guild SN@KEPIT
12/10/17 11:07
Good riddance
14/10/17 21:51
Well done guys we are getting there 5% to go
22/10/17 03:35
24/10/17 10:05
Rewa.Hard :

Welcome back Rewa