Gentleman the rules are simple. If any one is up for a good laugh please vote I. E with a comment like +1 and reason why for your chosen president. Just banter and no bitchy comments please - as these will be ignored. As it stands the campaign is an even draw with Waspy on 1 vote from Dragon blade (aka 1 of the leaders of the revolution) and coach 'pink fluffy' from BM (aka Queenie).
Celts - brothers from all over the world... men.. ;)... stand by my side and vote 'Waspy Tiger' may I act like his right hand.. I myself am a leader of a v diverse guild where all levels of players are welcome so we help each other to grow
Celts - brothers from all over the world... men.. ;)... stand by my side and vote 'Waspy Tiger' may I act like his right hand.. I myself am a leader of a v diverse guild where all levels of players are welcome so we help each other to grow