Guest 7TR0Y :
As stated- Chelsea team has NO BALLS... Otherwise would have his say and defend his team on chat forum.... Prefers to be a dickhead and continue to play level 13 teams...
. Irani teams would gang up on him and All cheating nation cousins would continuously hammer him, so he is Scared of them !..
The comment to Ashley was a joke guess you did not get it
Although I don't approve of what he is doing its only a game not life & death although if I was the level 13 team I would be getting annoyed about how he scores more against me sometimes than he does against a level 4 team & wondering what I'm doing so badly wrong that he can. You guys are taking this all far too seriously does he know about these comments though as its a bit difficult to defend himself if not but having looked at his games it looks like he is happy to take on Ashley & even though if you want to go all comrade Corbyn style limp-wristed PC Psych Wand as he cheats by obviously just spending whatever to max out every player with everything so if you want to name & shame bully's well add him to the list.
Incidentally I actually came on here to say to Ashley having watched a couple of his games against Ashley if chelsea adds a decent forward to his team I would not be surprized to see him beat you