Ashley Longthorn :
Although we clearly don't see eye to eye I think there is one thing we can agree on we both wanna see a fair game. I personally don't believe matches are fixed the players that are in la cag have had to work there way up like anyone else nobody starts in the top league so to get there they've pretty much beaten every other player in the game, I look and think it wouldn't be of any suprise to me if 2 months - 3 months from now la Cag 2 had the second highest number of challenge points. I guess when la cag 2 overtake you in Damage you'll be saying they match fixed too lol
Sorry Ashley, but this comment caught my eye.
You are correct in stating that nobody starts the game at the top level, yes. La Cagnannaise have been around for a very long time and worked hard at fixing matches to get as many top level teams as possible with the idea to keep them there, again through fixing games.
You have been around for a while now, so you can't tell me that when it is La Cag vs La Cag and one team wins 91 - 0, that this isn't suspicious. Or when one team is 28 - 0 up and then changes to a losing strat to keep the scoreline at 28pts.
You need to more astute with your analysis of the game, otherwise you will never make the top league. Or join La Cagnannaise and they will get you there. Lol.