The game badly needs a PM system and an in game forum set up.
I've use proboards for our forum.
I'm happy to help you set up after you've created your own.
I've appointed 2 captains that have a team of 10 forum registered members each based on an even spread of avg quality,which alternate between rounds.
Captains have full control over the challenges.
They assign each member of their team an opponent based on avg quality vs opponent avg quality.
Members then play their assigned opponent with or without boost and if they lose that match,they play the same opponent again but with a minimum of 50% boost.
This way,they either collect the whole match bonus for winning their 1st match or get some compensation for having to use boost in their 2nd match.
In the event that a member loses both his matches or hasn't played any matches within 18 hours w/o communicating with his captain,the captain will then appoint another member to play that opponent at the captains discretion.
No one is to play someone else's opponent unless instructed to do so by his captain as to ensure everyone gets to play at least 1 match.