28/02/16 10:03
Kevin Starland :

There is a more important point that needs to be discussed rather than match bonus and that's the way that certain teams when they get promoted to the next lvl league suddenly manage to max out all their players stats for the new lvl instantly the new league starts, there is only one word for that and that is cheating

Cheating? It's called saving you training points from the previous lvl and spending them in the next.
28/02/16 10:40
Kevin your not real smart bro... lol
28/02/16 14:11
Kevin Starland :

There is a more important point that needs to be discussed rather than match bonus and that's the way that certain teams when they get promoted to the next lvl league suddenly manage to max out all their players stats for the new lvl instantly the new league starts, there is only one word for that and that is cheating

Interested to how you think this is cheating?..
28/02/16 21:43
Get rid
02/03/16 11:56
Get rid of it, or at least half it or double the cost ... Ruins the game both league, cups and guild challenges
02/03/16 23:11
I like it.

If we're willing to spend cash on a big challenge, we can get a draw and some RPs. I don't see the problem. It would be no fun if one guild got all the RPs.
03/03/16 09:07
management can you please do something to let each team know they are playing in the guild challenge please
04/03/16 13:05
James Harriss :

The other point of note - The penalty for using MB can be financially quite high. By spending so much cash on MB you hold back on funds for upgrades. Therefore I would suggest MB can be seen as a selfless act for the greater good of your guild. It promotes inner guild teamwork and as Kev & BC quite rightly say, it allows the game to stay competitive. I'm all for it personally.

Did we mention that World XV has not yet been beaten either? Best to keep it that way


The ones that use match bonus the most are the ones who have already upgraded everything... it perpetuates their power in leagues, and ensures they never lose guild challenges.
04/03/16 17:03
Get rid of mb please
05/03/16 04:21
Most annoying thing about this game.