I was a level 56 last season but got put in to a league of level 57's and a few 56's. I finished 5th from bottom so I was ment to be promoted 1 level to 57, But this season im still a 56. Why is this?
Not being Promoted
31/12/17 11:08
31/12/17 11:30
What's your team name and guild?
31/12/17 11:58
My name is Ystradgynlais and I'm in oval of champions mate. I pipped Fabulous to promotion but didn't go up. quite annoying
31/12/17 12:22
5th from the bottom is 10th mate, just outside promotion, even in mixed levels.
Nice strat btw
Nice strat btw
31/12/17 12:51
Must have been 6th from bottom mate, and thanks for the compliment.
31/12/17 14:11
According to your championship history you ended 10th. If you are positive about ending 9th log a support ticket and ask them to assist.
31/12/17 15:16
Stop with the facts fluffy, this is why we deposed you
31/12/17 16:15
This game is frustrating now since sweet nitro took over. A lot of poor inconsistencies people have noticed. Why should level 56 players be put in with 57 in the first place.
31/12/17 17:32
The mixed champs have been around for ages, it has to happen unfortunately as numbers don't exactly match
01/01/18 12:01
Black Monks :
Stop with the facts fluffy, this is why we deposed you
Stop with the facts fluffy, this is why we deposed you
So new el presidente a important question if im to support ur dictatorship will u bring in a pub?