age and rating

16/03/18 02:27
How is it possible to have an 18 year old player with a rating of 110.??? I have tried and tried different things to trail just 1 player at a time and cant get it done. I have clicked the players and then cliched again, then just mark the player i want. after that i get lost, it seems to train everyone.??? Any answers for me is really appreciated. Thanks
16/03/18 03:28
Unless you're just starting out, you should be able to select the players you wish to train and select the training you want. Also the rating thing has to do with the average of all the stats. There is a stat cap on every level. Level 1 is 40 and it's +5 per level after that.
19/04/18 06:44
Sam Tech 2.0 :

Unless you're just starting out, you should be able to select the players you wish to train and select the training you want.

why would you like to only train a few players at a time. Don't they get the same amount of training points (eg. 30 minutes training pick) whether you pick a few or all the team members? I don't believe that if you selected a single player only and then hit the 30 minute button, he would get more training points than if you would of selected all the players and hit the 30 minute button.
Am I wrong on this?
25/04/18 14:40
You are correct. There is no bonus for only training only one player. Some teams will unselect players from a training cycle to keep their health up.
25/04/18 22:30
The only thing I can think of why to train certain players is if you have a huge roster. In the Soccer version, my starters get good training points from games but my reserves get nothing. Sometimes I just train my reserves to keep them caught up.
02/05/18 21:36
Hey Jammin, Fah-Q. Lol.
04/05/18 23:14
LOL!! Brother.... hood