26/04/16 20:35
Match Bonus ruin the game
04/05/16 14:59
Remove match bonus, this is supposed to be a strategy and competitive game and match bonus makes it to easy and unfair
05/05/16 14:38
big thread ..
08/05/16 19:12
Please remove it
16/05/16 15:25
1 more in favour
18/05/16 12:01
Remove remove remove
22/05/16 13:48
Please remove MB!

Show us that you are listening to your customers, please!
22/05/16 14:12
Sarel A Cilliers :

Remove match bonus, this is supposed to be a strategy and competitive game and match bonus makes it to easy and unfair

Whilst in favour of making MB smaller (nearer 10%), I disagree with your argument. There is a 'skill' to having enough money to back up your other strategies with MB. MB is a strategy and if you do not use it, you are not using one of the tools that makes your team better.
22/05/16 22:23
Mythica here, please remove Match Bonus, it is ruining the game for players that actually spends the time to fine tune their strategies. If MB is really needed then maybe have it only in the Highest Championship bracket.
23/05/16 10:10
Remove it please!!!!