Admins, can you tell me who kicked out all the players from my guild. My guild only has 10 members left.
13/03/16 03:49
13/03/16 18:30
CR perhaps create a ticket..
14/03/16 03:09
Vishal, can you ask the admins to tell us who did all this. My guild dropped from 10th to 140th position. Though I have a hunch that a team called Endless United did this.
14/03/16 10:04
I will do so CR - however it might take awhile to get a response..
14/03/16 10:07
What is the name of your guild?
14/03/16 11:24
CR - the admins says its not a bug or cheating (not sure how you will use this information....)
Sorry mate, think you will just have to try and recruit again..
Sorry mate, think you will just have to try and recruit again..
15/03/16 00:27
Idea for the game - instead of just saying 'player x left the killed' it should say 'player x was kicked by player y' but i guess the admin response will be guild leaders should be careful who they promote
15/03/16 10:59
I like that idea Shaz. Sometimes you don't know if a player was kicked or left on their own. I will suggest this in the next "idea pack". However I think it will be low on the developers plans..