guest_1443346527324 :
You're supposed to be a moderator - directing people to advice and help. The issue I have is that your first sentence was antagonistic. I haven't disagreed that my strategy may be lacking. My issue is with your tone. If you are sick to death of it, give up. But don't vent your frustration on me or other players. All your posts are rude and condascending. Take a break - give yourself, and us, a day off. Let's draw a line under this - uou, as a moderator, have put me off ever using this forum again. I'm sure Sublinet will be delighted with you.
You're supposed to be a moderator - directing people to advice and help. The issue I have is that your first sentence was antagonistic. I haven't disagreed that my strategy may be lacking. My issue is with your tone. If you are sick to death of it, give up. But don't vent your frustration on me or other players. All your posts are rude and condascending. Take a break - give yourself, and us, a day off. Let's draw a line under this - uou, as a moderator, have put me off ever using this forum again. I'm sure Sublinet will be delighted with you.
It's just a game. Chill out.