El's Dynamos :
I don't see why it should throw up programming issues - simply stop the onward progression of the leagues each season creating a top level within the game and allowing teams to work up from the proverbial "Surrey 4" (or insert whichever area you desire) right up to the premiership. As it stands at the moment a new player faces over 2 years of double promotions every season to get to the top table which you've got to admit is verging on the ridiculous but with each season that passes that's only going to get worse.
This simple change in my opinion would give much more life to this game and allow those who are tactically adept to get to the top, not just those that started playing it first.
While I support your principle of giving new players the opportunity to reach the top in a reasonable amount of time, the challenge Sublinet face is that if they don't raise the ceiling (points allotted for the top tier) there will soon be a huge bunching of fully maxed out teams with less incentive to keep playing. You might argue that's a price worth paying but from a financial point of view, it's understandable if Sublinet don't want that.