Best strategist's in the game ranking system who have spent NO money?

23/09/17 14:56
On the request of other players:-
Terranova - at least I don't have a spy in my camp ya clown :-)))))
MB - please go back to yr dark room with candles and try and finish 'my struggle' - the reason u are night a 'Right Hand' is because yr touched in yr mind... have the guys in yr guild seen what guild ranked 31 are calling u? We really are many u know...
Adrenalin - u a viking leader or a weak follower? ;)))
23/09/17 15:03
And he has an international hit squad at his disposal. They are a bit incompetent being as I told them where I live, work and shop and they haven't been able to find me. But they exist and they will do what the mighty dragon blade tells him to do.

On the subject of this thread though I have been thinking about what makes the best players on here the best playerse. I think we all agree that anyone decent can beat anyone in the game since there is no one best strat and each strat has inherent weaknesses. If that is true then what makes the best the best. I think there are several things. 1. Ability to make in game adjustments to change strats to take advantage of the other strats weaknesses. 2. A broad understanding of the variety of strats and their strengths and weaknesses. 3. An ability to creatively identify new strategies that others struggle with (I'm thinking of when kick to 14 came out of nowhere). 4. An ability to utilize all aspects of the game, particularly ah, to ensure long term success and not simply success until a core group retires. 5. An ability to adapt to game engine changes. 6. An ability to adapt to game play trends.

What else do you guys think is required for a player to be considered a top player. I know the bar I have placed is to high for me to clear but I know a good number of people that meet all these criteria above.
23/09/17 15:15
Gents, I have not ever seen this type of reaction by players of different guilds with different views and at times fighting amongst each other have this type of unanimous view on a single person.

Sometimes it takes a troll to unite the true pros
23/09/17 15:18
Black Monks :

And he has an international hit squad at his disposal. They are a bit incompetent being as I told them where I live, work and shop and they haven't been able to find me. But they exist and they will do what the mighty dragon blade tells him to do.

On the subject of this thread though I have been thinking about what makes the best players on here the best playerse. I think we all agree that anyone decent can beat anyone in the game since there is no one best strat and each strat has inherent weaknesses. If that is true then what makes the best the best. I think there are several things. 1. Ability to make in game adjustments to change strats to take advantage of the other strats weaknesses. 2. A broad understanding of the variety of strats and their strengths and weaknesses. 3. An ability to creatively identify new strategies that others struggle with (I'm thinking of when kick to 14 came out of nowhere). 4. An ability to utilize all aspects of the game, particularly ah, to ensure long term success and not simply success until a core group retires. 5. An ability to adapt to game engine changes. 6. An ability to adapt to game play trends.

What else do you guys think is required for a player to be considered a top player. I know the bar I have placed is to high for me to clear but I know a good number of people that meet all these criteria above.

Well that counts me out...

I would only add consistency in doing the above to your list.
23/09/17 15:24
Oh nooooo... BM has finished with Palmermela Handerson. Keep to 'my struggle' lad. Your like a mad dog that frequently barks around the table... whose guild sometimes throw it a bone...
We are MANY fluffy... at least I didn't have Waspy thrown into a white van an assassinated in the 'rigged' election ;-))))))
23/09/17 15:46
Good point coach, consistency is key

And good point coach, he has united all of us and got us to put down petty arguments. I'm looking forward to watching all the pro matches on youtube and finding the pro player in the stands of his pro match sitting with his pro teammates and getting red faced without being able to intelligently defend himself (I added the mma terminology for you dragon).
23/09/17 15:49
And the election that you created was rigged by others? Isn't that an admission of shear and utter incompetince? Odd responses all around dragon blade. Half of your responses have to be read 5x in order to piece together what you are failing to articilate. Now take your advice and stop responding within minutes. According to you you are being intolerable. Back to the subject of best ever teams. Does anyone have anything to add to my list other than consistency?
23/09/17 15:54
Coach Fluffy Pink Ball :

Gents, I have not ever seen this type of reaction by players of different guilds with different views and at times fighting amongst each other have this type of unanimous view on a single person.

Sometimes it takes a troll to unite the true pros

For sure Coach . Although I'm still getting to know you guys. Still finding my way around as the little guy amongst giants.

I'm enjoying the sense of humour that you, BM and others have. This Dragon Blade guy is also funny in his own way, although more in the kind of way you laugh at Jim Carey in the movie Dumb and Dumber.
23/09/17 16:01
Woof.. Woof woof.. Woof.. Woof.. WOOF... woof, woof... Fluffy... WOOF, woof... PINK... Woof, woof... Balls... Woof, woof..... BANG!!! English is not my first language.
23/09/17 16:02
TerraNovan Phalanx :

Coach Fluffy Pink Ball :

Gents, I have not ever seen this type of reaction by players of different guilds with different views and at times fighting amongst each other have this type of unanimous view on a single person.

Sometimes it takes a troll to unite the true pros

For sure Coach . Although I'm still getting to know you guys. Still finding my way around as the little guy amongst giants.

I'm enjoying the sense of humour that you, BM and others have. This Dragon Blade guy is also funny in his own way, although more in the kind of way you laugh at Jim Carey in the movie Dumb and Dumber.

And Jim Carey understood he was being laughed at as an idiot, making it even more epic in this case. We get to watch a wannabe troll in his natural environment.