Something too keep in mind for the Orig poster..
There is very little that is hidden in the game when it comes to how too build....
you want to see how the top teams build all you have too do is take a look at the players they have on the team you can see where they are putting the points.. Builds change a bit from person to person...
Some teams feel that Penetration Strength is needed for o-line some think it's not.. so look over a few teams not just one..
Some people pound str some don't use it at all.... I only use it when I am out of places too put points myself..
All the data you will ever need is right in front of you and very easy too find...
Things Like settings, in game player swaps, so on... that's the parts you cant see..
and what I was trying too say before I quoted the wrong post and ruffled some feathers is. If your not in a guild that is helping out to learn such things your prob in the wrong guild..
Str3fenkarl I've known how too swim since i was a sperm.. However I am still learning how to use bad message boards it seems.. be well