I've been playing this game for about 2 years now, give or take a coup!e of months, and I've been in a few guilds, 6 to be exact. The first(I can't even remember the name, ) they taught me nothing. Half of the people never even played, but it was a beginners guild ran by a long distance trucker, what could I expect? We played a GC with a guild named 12th Man who beat us senseless, but they saw promise in me and immediately sent me an invitation. They taught me things, but I mostly learned by watching and looking at how other teams were set up. From there, I went to Fast Risers, the training guild of tbe Pimps, and from there, on to the Pimps. They were a friendly enough group, making me feel welcome, and teaching me more about the game. They were helpful, willing to share tips, tricks, even settings, but they always told me I would have to make adjustments for my players. Problem is, no one ever took the time to teach me how to make adjustments, or what adjustments to make. We had a falling out of sorts, so I made my way to the Bar. These guys were the first to really me, with redskins taking me under his wing. I loved the Bar, would still be there, but I was eventually ran off by childish grown men. My last stop has been the Grim Reapers, a guild made up of some of the best in tbe game, people I looked up to on my way up through the ranks. These guys taught me the most, always willing to help out in any way, even if it meant helping tear an improperly built team apart and build it back right from the ground up(it was done.) I guess I've bounced around a little, but I think I've found my home. We pretty much take on seasoned, upper level teams here, but we also have training guilds. Maybe you're a good team looking to learn from some of tbe best in order to be one of the best. Join us, and we'll help take you to that next level...