Credits should be delivered immediately after your transaction. In rare cases you might have to wait for a few minutes before receiving your credits but if you still have not been delivered 1h after the transaction please contact our support team.
Note: this does not apply to sponsored offers (Sponsorpay, for example).
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 18/04/17 16:06
It is forbidden to use the auctions to transfer money to another team. Indeed, if a person buys a bad player for a great amount of money, he is actually transferring money to the seller. Players will report this form of cheating on the forum in general. We generally ban the cheaters for 3 days the first time, then 7 etc.
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 29/06/12 17:45
No, the auction system is dynamic. The displayed bid amount is the second highest bid + 1.
1. Player A bids 100, the displayed bid is 100 and A is the highest bidder
2. Player B bids 150, the displayed bid is 101 and B is the highest bidder
3. Player A bids 120, the displayed bid is 121 and B is the highest bidder
3. Player A bids 200, the displayed bid is 151 and A is the highest bidder
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 01/07/12 13:36