friendlys... can some one tell me whats taken into account with friendlys . does energy and morale effect it. do the strat buildings get taken in to account.? what gets taken in to accuount in a friendly please
admin.. ive read every thing in that game before I ask question , your answer does not answer my question as the place you point to does not hold the answer . has taken a player to answer and even then its not certain he right (not saying his wrong . just not a exact answer from makers of game)
some times when ppl have asked questions your answers are more like a politician than some one that's here to inform us on this game..
not being mean just putting it out there ..
Sorry, I read the question too fast.
Yes, current energy, moral and strategy bonus are taken into account.
A friendly match consumes nothing and there is no match bonus. These are the only differences.