guest_1449674361096 :
Valid question for those who have 'completed' the game - hundreds, if not thousands, who haven't (and for whom it hasn't fizzled out) so why would the developers stop improving this version?
And the last 'improvement' to this game was probably the introduction of GVG - so no real improvement since November time? Since then it's just been a few minor bug fixes & tweaks and of course the reduction of MB to 50% - A huge facepalm @ that particular one.
Regardless of RM 3 or sticking with this one, they'll eventually have to re-brand and remove the 2015 from the title, as not many newbies will continue to join - seeing as we're now half way though 2016 with 2017 looming. It also doesn't take much time for a game to receive poor ratings - and this historically occurs by those who have played the game to death. There should always be a plan in place to appease the experienced bods with new stuff to get excited about. Let's hope it continues to be that way with this game.
There is never an end.. new and more exciting games just take their place..