so much injustice in this game

30/10/16 07:42
.Brock the best,Aria,Dollard,Dead man etc,those who have super team built by the packs

-all their players cant get yellow card against medium teams
-when you play them,all your defenders always get faults,yellow card every match,even you have max safe tackle and 0% aggressivness
-their team still run faster than your players even all the speed of both players is the same because their quality is higher than your player
-they buy all the good players in the auction house by RC ,they got from the packs so you cant get any good players because you need to be patient to earn RC by playing the game normally without money....
-Sublimenet doesnt care about all the requests to make an equality between players when they play a match,for instance : THE MAXIMUM USE OF MATCH BONUS SHOULD NOT BE THE SAME AGAINST PLAYERS because in a level there is already a big difference between players the top level : Brock the best has 200 quality for his squad,there is a player who has 132 in the same level...WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN THAT CASE?
-and the most amazing thing,Sublimenet changes the use of bonus by reducing it the lower possible so the difference between players will be the same => although some players buy the pack,they still give them advantages
-those top team can use just one defender,your 3 strikers cant pass trhough this even with max dribbl,but when this defender decides to dribbl,he can dribbl all your team.... (we can see that every match,try to play Brock the best or some of those team if you dont beleive)