Doing some research in my nerdery right quick off the basis of racist Christian names. I went through the active list of players in my ah, there are 18 unique names in my ah at this moment. Lets see how many are saints. Wayne, not a saint (although Wayne st Wayne does exist but is only an artist not a saint). Dean, not a saint. Erwan, not a saint. Jesse, not a saint. Donald, finally a saint! Pryam, not a saint. Jonathan, finally another saint. Will, two in a row! Presley, not a saint. Drew, not a saint (Andrew is but the drew that i know is drew and the Andrew I know is andy so I'm not giving it). Buster, not a saint. James, a saint. Christopher, saint. Douglas, not a saint yet and only for a guy with the last name not first. Gregory, saint. Zachary, saint. Ethanol, not a saint. Kieran, not a saint. So less than half of the names are Christian which means that not only is your conclusion very flawed, your logical method extremely flawed, even your premise is flawed. It takes great skill to not get a single aspect of your own logical proof correct. Now please stop claiming things are racist because you don't like the things, it makes my job extremely difficult.