It would be a great idea if we could touch 1 goodies shop to collect all takings for the day instead of touching all buildings one by one.
Southern wildcats
26/09/17 14:29
26/09/17 14:42
Or a collect all feature from all shops
26/09/17 14:50
There used to be the game theory that you wanted to maximize the number of clicks that a person makes to increase usage (aka addiction). However, you are correct that it is better to click once per building type. This was proven to increase desirability to play more significant than the decrease in addiction by the folks at clash of clans. The statistics that these games can generate are really cool
26/09/17 20:54
Look forward to the day you publish your full thesis on rugby manager Black Monks.
26/09/17 21:10
If I could be given access to the stats of this game I would gladly write a thesis. I'm sure the critiques would be soft