Bluemooners :
Ystraggenilis or whatever the hell that name is (another bang-wagon jumping no-mark i'd never heard of until 2 seasons ago, trying to get famous on the back of me) :- of course you wouldn't like me. You are pro match fixing. Quite obviously i am the main person that is vocal against this, so for you to side with me would be shooting your chances of staying in the top division in the foot. The only unbeaten founder member guild after over 350 gvgs. No cheating ever. Moral highground and practicing as you preech. All brilliant, you should try it.
On a side note... 'Bluemoaners', so original honest, don't think i've ever heard that one. Did you make that up yourself? What other comedy gold have you got? Zzzzzzz
Ystraggenilis or whatever the hell that name is (another bang-wagon jumping no-mark i'd never heard of until 2 seasons ago, trying to get famous on the back of me) :- of course you wouldn't like me. You are pro match fixing. Quite obviously i am the main person that is vocal against this, so for you to side with me would be shooting your chances of staying in the top division in the foot. The only unbeaten founder member guild after over 350 gvgs. No cheating ever. Moral highground and practicing as you preech. All brilliant, you should try it.
On a side note... 'Bluemoaners', so original honest, don't think i've ever heard that one. Did you make that up yourself? What other comedy gold have you got? Zzzzzzz
Out of curiosity, what is a "bang-wagon"? Is that something you have in your Guild? If so, there may be some other like-minded anally retentive people here that would like to join you. Maybe needs a bit more advertising however.