Error 502

03/06/21 02:19
Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.

Tf is this?
03/06/21 02:33
You're not the only one, buddy. I'm locked out as well.

I asked Griff if he is having the same issues and he confirmed he is. I access the game via desktop computer and he was accessing it via telephone, so it seems both are not working.

The rugby game is working just fine and well. I don't know about TDM, but no issue with rugby.

It's been over four hours of this issue, so who really knows how long this will go on for. aren't alone with this issue and no doubt there are countless others in the same boat as all of us. In fact, I'm not sure if ANYONE can access the game.
03/06/21 18:14
Same with my whole Guild we just lost a GC because of it.
04/06/21 10:26
Welp, here we go again! It's these things that frustrate the hell outta me...
16/06/21 10:57
Its still not right even now I've had enough of it unless there is another total lockdown at the end of the month I'm off I'm already playing another game anyhow