Profil AFC Millwall

Sweet Nitro Oyunlarından AFC Millwall Tanesi İle Tanıştın

En son konu AFC Millwall tarafından başlatılmıştır

Topic Mesaj Izle Son Mesaj
Anyone else lost most of their players due to ANOTHER stuffe... tarafindan AFC Millwall on 14/07/18 12:14 tarihinde. 6 11593 Here tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 15/07/18 11:56 tarihinde.
Issue logging into game via Facebook tarafindan AFC Millwall on 06/06/18 03:26 tarihinde. 3 12342 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 07/06/18 07:36 tarihinde.
Bugs... tarafindan AFC Millwall on 09/03/18 11:14 tarihinde. 30 30857 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 22/06/18 07:41 tarihinde.
RE: Level 25 tarafindan AFC Millwall on 28/09/17 10:55 tarihinde. 5 14925 Here tarafindan ShaunC on 02/10/17 10:53 tarihinde.
Game Freezing! tarafindan AFC Millwall on 15/09/17 10:17 tarihinde. 10 23097 Here tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 25/09/17 20:53 tarihinde.

En son cevap AFC Millwall tarafından verilmiştir

Topic Mesaj Izle Son Mesaj
The ability to change player's name tarafindan PL TEAM on 02/10/18 11:35 tarihinde. 6 10439 Here tarafindan ShaunC on 06/11/18 12:13 tarihinde.
FACEBOOK HACKED tarafindan ShaunC on 28/09/18 23:22 tarihinde. 6 18842 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 30/09/18 02:20 tarihinde.
Error #3672 tarafindan Ian Reynolds on 11/09/18 21:01 tarihinde. 18 26510 Here tarafindan ShaunC on 30/09/18 14:13 tarihinde.
Commonwealth Elite...again tarafindan BathFootballGuest EP… on 11/09/18 21:42 tarihinde. 10 19492 Here tarafindan AFC Millwall on 13/09/18 04:56 tarihinde.
Fresh ideas/inclusions for the game... tarafindan John Millwall on 29/08/18 04:22 tarihinde. 5 11147 Here tarafindan ShaunC on 07/09/18 09:56 tarihinde.
New Settings tarafindan ShaunC on 22/08/18 17:51 tarihinde. 4 8364 Here tarafindan ShaunC on 24/08/18 07:50 tarihinde.
Is it worth me mentioning to Sweet Nitro that... tarafindan John Millwall on 27/07/18 03:28 tarihinde. 27 30705 Here tarafindan AFC Millwall on 18/08/18 05:51 tarihinde.
so long - thanks to all guilds i;ve been a part of tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 15/08/18 00:05 tarihinde. 11 15243 Here tarafindan ShaunC on 27/08/18 12:19 tarihinde.
Anyone else lost most of their players due to ANOTHER stuffe... tarafindan AFC Millwall on 14/07/18 12:14 tarihinde. 6 11593 Here tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 15/07/18 11:56 tarihinde.
Issue logging into game via Facebook tarafindan AFC Millwall on 06/06/18 03:26 tarihinde. 3 12342 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 07/06/18 07:36 tarihinde.
wtf have nitro done tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 26/05/18 08:20 tarihinde. 9 13243 Here tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 05/06/18 22:40 tarihinde.
Soccerisforf@ggots tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 24/05/18 10:03 tarihinde. 8 11007 Here tarafindan Jammin Giants on 17/07/18 03:03 tarihinde.
Liverpool 65 tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 21/04/18 18:23 tarihinde. 29 28692 Here tarafindan Matty2005 on 27/05/18 22:02 tarihinde.
50 gold balls on a big tournament??!! SERIOUSLY??!! tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 12/05/18 02:14 tarihinde. 19 14949 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 23/05/18 04:49 tarihinde.
Bugs... tarafindan AFC Millwall on 09/03/18 11:14 tarihinde. 30 30857 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 22/06/18 07:41 tarihinde.
Cheat Nitro F**ked up season tarafindan Guest 7TR0Y on 09/03/18 09:45 tarihinde. 22 29950 Here tarafindan Guest 2AM3UC on 14/03/18 01:00 tarihinde.
Change you flag to Iran tarafindan Guest 2JY4KM on 09/03/18 10:54 tarihinde. 1 9502 Here tarafindan AFC Millwall on 09/03/18 11:08 tarihinde.
Develop a Fair Version of Game ! tarafindan Guest 7TR0Y on 09/03/18 10:24 tarihinde. 12 19932 Here tarafindan Guest 7TR0Y on 10/04/18 09:21 tarihinde.
Login issues tarafindan The Notorious on 20/12/17 20:09 tarihinde. 15 21787 Here tarafindan The Notorious on 31/12/17 01:30 tarihinde.
FRIENDS is about to Implode :( tarafindan John Millwall on 12/12/17 09:50 tarihinde. 4 11840 Here tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 13/12/17 17:25 tarihinde.