Firstly, I LOVE this game and when I criticize it that because I want to be more interested . Secondly, I want to speak about a point, In my modest opinion, it is the flaw of the game : the recruiter coins ! tell me why can't I buy players with money I gain through over the game ? What are the benefits of developing snacks, goodies shops, sponsors and banks ? Why do I try to increase my budget through over the game ? to have all my buildings at 10 level ? so what ? what will happen after that ? the money will not improve my squad ! I can be a rich team, but have weak squad and can't get recruiter coins to buy better players .. you will say " upgrade your auction house to get more recruiter coins " the answer : it may help, but the logic goal of the game will be only developing the auction house .. an overall ranking based on matches results and wealth may make a clear goal to improve ranking which can solve a part of the problem (the wealth includes money and all money payed to upgrade facilities), or another solution such as enabling us form buying the recruiter coins by the money gained.. I know that can be intended to buy the recruiter coins with gold balls which it can bought by real money, but this make the goal of the game " Vague" . Thanks for giving us the opportunity to declare our thoughts.