Young Player

19/10/16 04:17
Hey pierrot/ other admin please add feature which enable any player can get 5 young player (1 goalie, 1 defender, 2 mid wings AM/M/DM , and 1 striker) every end of the season , it is too hard to get young player from auction house and also its hard producing recruiter points. The rest of 6 will be bought by every player from auction house

Thank you if you respond me,
19/10/16 04:21
Or at least give random amount like 3 or 2 player , some good manager football have this system in them and im satisfied of it even if they just give me 1-2 new player
19/10/16 18:34
you'll be lucky they haven't been on for ages all admins have gone to touchdown manager another shit game they've created and are destroying
20/10/16 11:11
LoL and admin ignoring me
27/11/16 02:44
Add youth team or academy to produce new player.