Rear cover

15/06/17 21:15
What is the best percentage to have it on please.
15/06/17 22:50
Depends on your game style. And I would suggest asking specific questions like that in your guild. Many people on here will give clues, discuss purpose of certain strats, but I have yet to see someone go beyond generic answers such as high, low and moderate.
15/06/17 23:42
Ok cheers, but is it the higher the percentage the further back your players will be.
15/06/17 23:57
15/06/17 23:59
Nice one mate thanks very much
16/06/17 07:05
I suggest u play round with it what works for one might not mean it works for u, cos as black monks said no one will share too much on here but will in Guilds
16/06/17 14:48
Ok cheers for the info, but the guilds wont share much either, that is why I'm asking on here. There is so much cloak and dagger going on in this game.
16/06/17 14:48
Ok cheers for the info, but the guilds wont share much either, that is why I'm asking on here. There is so much cloak and dagger going on in this game.
16/06/17 15:05
I don't know what it is like in the early stages anymore, but I would suggest playing with strats and doing a lot of training matches and friendlies. Once higher level AND trusted to bring to the table as much as you take then guilds open up with each other. Takes a lot of trust and reciprocation
16/06/17 22:52
I will say the guilds I'm with we have 4 and keep in touch with our facebook Page so we have teams from the low levels to level 44 discussed this the other day and we all have rear cover all over the place, what works for one team doesn't work for another team so as black monks says play friendly after friendly