Please Limit the amount of people that can play you in training games in 24 hrs

26/12/16 19:19
In simple words this is becoming more annoying than anything else when I'm logging on i'm getting like 10 notifications a time i'm just thankful I'm not loosing fans but it is really annoying i'm forever having to press on match to get rid the game notifications constantly I'd rather not know if someone has played me in training it's not like I lose fans for it.
28/12/16 16:50
These matches at least need to be limited the 5 a day that you can put out is more than enough it should really be dropped as it is about the most stupid idea ever has little or nothing to do with the actual game its just an ego boost for those sad enough to fall for it but if we must have it then it should certainly be made no more than 5 games a day regardless of if you get challenged 5 times before you log on in the Morning or you manage to put out 5 challenges before you get challenged.

It really proves little if anything when you get challenged 5 mins after you have started intensive training & in most cases that will also be after a match as well so then a weaker side beats you so what they have more or less cheated by picking on a team at its lowest we already have enough cheating in this game so to come up with something that just gives the cheats even more scope it just complete & utter stupidity.

I admit I have played with it for the last two days & my rating has gone from over 3500 to about 1580 but I did it by cheating as above so what have I actually proved absolutely nothing other than that this can be used to cheat & therefore needs to be dropped & to be perfectly honest I can see this spoiling the game completely not only for me but most others as well & as for me moving up around 2000 places I really would not give a damn if this time next week I find that I have the worst rating in the game this game is about winning the League, Cup & Guild Challenges & earning enough money to keep heading up anything else is just a pointless sideline that will put people off playing & if I find that these extra games are stopping me getting promoted etc then I will quit there are other games out there so I'm certainly not going to put up with this for long if it affects the main aim of the game