Profile of An1malz

Meet An1malz on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by An1malz

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Youth Academy by An1malz on 08/05/17 13:45. 6 11791 Here by An1malz on 08/05/17 23:45.
Injuries by An1malz on 18/04/17 12:01. 5 12848 Here by Waspy Tiger on 03/05/17 12:07.
Conditions to join a guild by An1malz on 07/11/16 01:00. 1 15072 Here by Croxton on 07/11/16 09:08.
Gold balls to boost cash production in shops by An1malz on 28/10/16 14:00. 1 13638 Here by Black Monks on 28/10/16 14:52.
SA War Machine by An1malz on 10/10/16 23:02. 0 14517 Here by An1malz on 10/10/16 23:02.
Packages by An1malz on 10/10/16 12:25. 7 13217 Here by Whatever User Name I… on 10/10/16 23:52.
Auction house bull#### by An1malz on 27/09/16 09:02. 6 15517 Here by An1malz on 05/10/16 21:02.
2 suggestions dear Sublinet by An1malz on 25/09/16 13:46. 0 12585 Here by An1malz on 25/09/16 13:46.
A compliment for a change by An1malz on 20/09/16 09:59. 1 13554 Here by Taff y Ddraig-Segur on 20/09/16 10:30.
Exciting new ranking in game by An1malz on 11/08/16 14:29. 2 13513 Here by Caernarfon RFC on 11/08/16 16:21.
Further expansion in city and more achievements by An1malz on 18/04/16 00:49. 0 13959 Here by An1malz on 18/04/16 00:49.

Latest threads replied by An1malz

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Youth Academy by An1malz on 08/05/17 13:45. 6 11791 Here by An1malz on 08/05/17 23:45.
Injuries by An1malz on 18/04/17 12:01. 5 12848 Here by Waspy Tiger on 03/05/17 12:07.
Patch 6.0 by Rucking Broncos - Ba… on 14/03/17 11:12. 52 72839 Here by Gareth Robson on 25/02/19 11:12.
Promotion-relagation by Johan En Liza Vermaa… on 21/01/17 08:17. 5 14869 Here by Whatever User Name I… on 23/01/17 00:24.
Price increase???? by M-Dot barbarians on 21/01/17 11:02. 13 27516 Here by Bryan Jowett on 02/02/17 09:53.
Patch 5.3 by PierrotLL on 19/12/16 14:13. 101 98056 Here by An1malz on 31/01/17 11:08.
Conditions to join a guild by An1malz on 07/11/16 01:00. 1 15072 Here by Croxton on 07/11/16 09:08.
GvG tiebreaker by Black Monks on 27/10/16 01:39. 33 33224 Here by An1malz on 03/11/16 01:26.
Bye bye MB (match bonus) or massive quit by Martin Bernasconi on 30/10/16 23:39. 18 25823 Here by Ashley Longthorn on 14/11/16 19:19.
Team's Star rating based on team on the pitch by Iain Rees on 24/10/16 10:39. 5 16616 Here by An1malz on 28/10/16 14:03.
Gold balls to boost cash production in shops by An1malz on 28/10/16 14:00. 1 13638 Here by Black Monks on 28/10/16 14:52.
Give us your ideas for the creation of a training center by Darksly on 13/10/16 20:06. 70 100770 Here by sukitansee on 13/07/22 13:08.
Acadamy vs Legends - SS vs Beastie by Eric Stormers on 15/07/16 16:35. 12 31959 Here by An1malz on 15/10/16 05:22.
SA War Machine by An1malz on 10/10/16 23:02. 0 14517 Here by An1malz on 10/10/16 23:02.
Top try scorers and top point scorers for championship by Alfmaster 11 on 06/10/16 13:52. 2 15791 Here by An1malz on 10/10/16 12:27.
Packages by An1malz on 10/10/16 12:25. 7 13217 Here by Whatever User Name I… on 10/10/16 23:52.
Fans by brumiesalteño on 19/09/16 14:30. 9 20098 Here by brumiesalteño on 03/10/16 18:50.
Auction house bull#### by An1malz on 27/09/16 09:02. 6 15517 Here by An1malz on 05/10/16 21:02.
Penalise players played out of position by Backwell on 25/08/16 14:56. 14 32107 Here by Black Monks on 24/10/16 14:40.
2 suggestions dear Sublinet by An1malz on 25/09/16 13:46. 0 12585 Here by An1malz on 25/09/16 13:46.