the patch 3.0 DOESNT WORK

it's the third time i post and still 0 answer...i dont know speaking enlgish very much but i said it in 2 languages but still 0 answer...i was 4th last time and didnt move up to level players stats stay 135 max...why???? Dollard84 have players with 140 .... why????
Please stop reposting in several different threads
It's a simple question but no simple answer is ever offered... we play - and sometimes pay - to enjoy this game but if it isn't a fair playing ground then people are absolutely right to question why such issues exist... Vishal I appreciate you're just a mod here but the developers need to sort these things out promptly because otherwise plenty of good players will simply leave, which isn't good for the devs as they'll have nobody to dev for!..... pls convey the message to sort out all these issues that good, regular players are advising of a.s.a.p - thank you
Good day,
To accelerate the resolution of the tournament problem, the 4 level 21 teams have been placed in level 20.
This season there can be tournaments at level 19, not yet at level 20, but the problem will fix itself thanks to the last patch.
vanillalimem, your answer is totally valid...however I did respond on a previous post from this member(I reported this already to the admins/devs- its a valid remark which I noticed as well) but the member repeated the post in several threads (some of which I had to delete), one is sufficient, we cannot flood all threads with the same question as we loose other valuable comments in those threads.