Auction House

Are most of the players in the AH computer generated or player created? I don't understand why the skill points are all over the place for different position players. Do people not understand what skills are needed for the position player they are training. I see position players who have not had their needed skills maxed but have large numbers of skill points wasted in areas they don't need. It makes it frustrating to try and pick up players with those skill issues. Also, I have players that I have tried to sell get no interest because their *star* level is not as high. For example, I have a QB whose *star* level is only 19 but he is maxed out in all he skills that apply to a QB and does not have stats in no value areas. This makes my QB a much better QB skills wise as some 25-30 star QBs but he is ignored in the AH. Sorry about the long post. Just wondering if it is a game programing issue or players not understanding the skill sets for each position. Thanks
Trust me. A lot of people don't know what they are doing.
I believe that the players are computer generated, for the most part. The stats are too high, in some cases, for the player to have been naturally leveled. Like those players who are 18 but their stats are all 40's. Though as I type this I have to wonder about people who are willing to spend money (cash money) and how high you can raise stats that way.
Judd Rokey :

I believe that the players are computer generated, for the most part. The stats are too high, in some cases, for the player to have been naturally leveled. Like those players who are 18 but their stats are all 40's. Though as I type this I have to wonder about people who are willing to spend money (cash money) and how high you can raise stats that way.

With enough money and gold balls its easy to max a players stats in a day. But that'll be hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth