We've Got Strats My backside!

Croxton, sorry about Christmas day, I don't even know if I used mb. What guild are you in bugger?
I see First wave from arena like his mb
Hillcrest :

Howzit Monks. I used 0% mb in our champ game bud, infact I haven't used mb in the last 2 seasons. Its called home ground advantage. when you played me afterwards was my health on 100% and did I use my subs? Please mate, if you want to accuse guys of using mb you had better get your facts straight. I am going to play you again now as I did yesterday however I'm not at 100% but the outcome will be the same.....

Home field is not that significant, it's a cover for people like you. 31-0 right after I did full training and you had a day to change spacing, grats. 5% mb on a 210 guy makes it like a champ 37 vs champ 35....we both know the truth here and everyone, except your cronie azza who still won't answer the question, knows it. You have that name yet openly admit using mb...just magically not this time.
Hillcrest :

I see First wave from arena like his mb

Does first wave say only pricks use mb? If not then he doesn't belong in this convo. I'm fine with you using it, just don't have a name indicating you dont.
Guys keep friendly and no insults otherwise thread will be locked
Azza_NZ :

Hahaha! Classic!

Answer my question, bazinga doesn't go very far. You would support your boy when your boy shares his thoughts on hollow earth and the expanding earth even though you know those are just fictitious made up lies as well. Go to the thread you were at and defend your allegations. Use your logic skills to show how I'm contradictory and use your math skills to show how your boy prick did use mb (I'm guessing 5-7%). Just enough to call people mb users but he thinks low enough to not get caught (210 × 1.05 = X)
Dude, let me know when you're on full health and I'll even let you challenge me. I would have admitted if I used mb as I did to Kevin Starland I think it was. Its a pity there are okes like you on here that have nothing better to do than to bitch and moan when they think they are good but then get beaten fair and square. I wish you the best of luck for the rest of your season.
Well I just played you again, you were on full health and I beat you 34-0.....
Go to yesterday's schedule and explain a 45 point swing when I went from 5% mb to 0%, with no changes in strat on either. Anyone in top champ level can change strat to exploit weaknesses, which everyone has. So play all you want. Look at the fact of the day with strats used and change your name.
And play crox, in my guild, and find a way to beat him like you did. $100 you cant. Which would mean? Mb, which according to your name would mean?