We've Got Strats My backside!

80-0 this time. I domt hate your guild, i hate people who liie about using mb, openly gloating they dont use it when they actually do. The two players invited are actually your two best players who and have actually have a decent strat that does not involve high rythm and mb.
Anyway ive put my strat off now if you want to gain some revenge for those ass kickings. Remember to use mb again.
HAHAHAHAHA keep telling yourself that.
The Man from Delmonte :

80-0 this time. I domt hate your guild, i hate people who liie about using mb, openly gloating they dont use it when they actually do. The two players invited are actually your two best players and have actually have a decent strat that does not involve high rythm and mb.

It's called strategy.... we don't throw around credit cards like you to make up for other things lacking.... catch my drift???
Its called match bonus not strategy!
Okay thanx tiny....
Ok , enough. I have deleted the obvious refences to cheating. Moan at each other, slag each other off ( within acceptable parameters ) but as I have said elsewhere , this is not cheating. If you want to waste your time on this rubbish then fine but.....

I am unable to send private messages so hands are a bit tied. Some of you have been muted before for continually disrupting the forum. Carry on and it will happen again, this time for longer. You know who you are so consider yourself ( yourselves ) 'warned' .

Will let this diatribe run as it is in the right place for little boys to argue but if it gets out of hand then I will have no choice but to lock it.
Thank you Carshalton, especially for removing the cheating posts
Haha again cheating is when someone says one thing and does another, thats cheating.
Is the person you are calling a mb whore with your game name also a cheat now?

Carshalton I suggest you lock the thread...