Game needs revamping becoming bored

Hi I've been sublinet games a fair while now but there is one major problem I have, I'm actually really bored with playing and I'm logging just to help my team but I'm drastically loosing interest in the game, I've got to the point where everything other than my goodies and snack shops are level 22 and if It wasn't for the guild I was in i'd of left a long time ago in all truth. For me the game is past it's sell by date and needs freshening up with a complete new format heres just a few suggestions I have

GC- Everyone gets 1 attempt and 1 attempt only meaning teams would have to pick wise on there opponents also it would give everyone a game cos when your able to use two goes some people miss out

Secondly if two teams draw the GC it should come down to who used the fewest games to get the same number of points,

Teams 1-3 go up 1 league
teams 4-14 Stay the same league unless a relegation system can be introduced which would make the game for competitive Maybe relegate teams 12-14

Remove innactive players from the big leagues like I've seen people with the likes of 50 and below in good leagues they've clearly given up so why have them?

All I'm saying is we need more to the game cos the top players are maxing out fast in upgrades give us an incentive to play and revamp that ranking system It's rubbish I refuse to play got to 169.400 fans and the only way i'll play is if I lose a game but I don't play the objective so all my games are now easy wins.
The threat of relegation would spice things up. . . Gc idea is good. . . . . . . Really missing playing more training games, friendlies you get no reward for playing apart from getting practising new tactics. Buildings take days to complete so nothing really to do. . . Didn't see a problem with the unranked training matches before the update.
I now don't play training games unless someone beats me
Not many players play training matches from what I can see. . . Your players get the training boost for playing not winning so worth playing. The match is obsurd in footballing terms, training wise a must in my eyes. . . The old system didn't play to lose and you could try different tactics while getting a boost for your players. Also feel it gave an opportunity to close the gap on players brought for cash.
Played 5 training games with a 30 min train. . . Players recieved 1-2 training points, dissapointed with that. Would need a minimum of 10-15 games to make it worth while and not linked to losing fans.