Wanna bring down pimps?

It's getting hard to find high level, dedicated players to bring into your guild. Every once in awhile, you'll find a high level team that for one reason or another is looking for another guild due to a fall out of some sort with their previous guild, but it's not often. The thing with knocking the Pimps off of their top spot that they've been on for so long, they have strong teams, only three teams below level 50, and one of those teams are level 49, and as everyone knows, all their teams play above their level. There's been some talk in our guild of a possible merger with another high to mid level guild, with the remaining guild becoming a training guild of sorts for the newly merged powerhouse. Not sure if that's the direction we're gonna take or not, but if there's any guilds out there that are interested in shaking this game up, get in contact with us and we'll enter into negotions to see if it benefits us all...
The problem you run into there is that both crew will have pride in the name... The brotherhood has been around for a very long time.. so has your guild.... so whos name remains... who leads... can t leaders not get in sane power rush.. so on

Look you drop TK , Thou and yourself in the brotherhood and you got what you need..

we drops our highs with your and we also get what you need..

The risk is that the 2 crews don't gel and they both go to the dogs...

BTW I just picked 3 of your top players names .. I know you have many more...

A name is just a name, I've been called many and will answer to almost anything. What matters more than anything is the people are happy. I know there are obstacles, mostly egos, but whoever said beating the Pimps was full of, well, you know... The Bar is pretty easy going on leadership, it's more of a democracy than a dictatorship. I figured the name would be a combination of both guilds that both agreed to. All problems have answers if you work hard enough.
I really don't know where this "pimps dictatorship" thing comes from. Is it because we don't have a guild full off leaders and right hands?
For me personal it doesn't matter if I'm a leader or a RH or a member. It's just a title and I don't care much about Titels in this game. Everyone is equal and everyone is allowed to say something. I know you won't agree pack. Stop talking about dictatorship in pimps everytime you get the chance to. It's annoying and boring man
I never said the Pimps were a dictatorship, I said the Bar was more of a democracy than a dictatorship meaning in our guild, it's not up to just one person, not even up to 4 or 5 people, everyone gets a voice, a vote, and everyone is included in the decision. You have to read into what I said without reading to much into what I said...
Don't make this a fight Karl just because English is not your native language. All I was doing was voicing my opinion, if you don't like it, then don't read it. I never said anything about the Pimps. In my opinion, and yes, this is America, we can voice our opinions here, the Pimps are not evil, not even the bad guys, but they are #1, and yes, everyone is looking to be #1 here. If they weren't, it wouldn't be much of a game, now would it? You guys are a monopoly, y'all have the market cornered on talent, everyone likes to win, so go to the Pimps who always win... With that being said, you guys are a group of excellent players, everyone wants to be the Pimps...all I'm saying is it's time for a change, you don't have to like what I'm saying, but the Pimps don't have to like everything that's said.
Well said Pack. Karl, I read the whole thing. at no point did Pack ever say Pimps was dictatorship. The word Pimps never appears in that post. Where did you get that from? Much respect to you Karl, and everyone over there. Take pride that your guild is so strong, people are trying to figure out how to defeat you. Hell, I am the one who created the silly thread "To all the Pimps I loved before" . I believe you took Pack's meaning the wrong way.

Maddogs, but do you deliver beer?

I am lazy.