Some Clarification on the "Cheats" Thread

Is it time to look at guilds again, this the root cause of all the cheating dont you think?
Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

Mic please, we are trying to move past all this bickering but you keep at it, always something to say every time one of us posts on the forum.

Mic's Mob :

It is indeed an interesting question to how Guest knew straight away? Why report something if they were possibly going to get caught for the same action?

You don't need to speculate on why. They did it to spite those who left La Cag. SN have verified it.

Mic's Mob :

Interesting question to how Damage representatives had so much detail about this from the start and were defending the first banned player!

We got the detail because, as you know, Kida is at Omega who are our friends, and when he was banned he told us why and then told us what RC Cagnan and Gbane (Ivorian) had been doing. That's how we got to know about it. I didn't see anyone from Damage Inc defending the first player who was banned. We didn't even know what he was banned for in the beginning.

Mic's Mob :

Apparently a lack of language skills to explain and he was also appealing against the decision. So he and his supporters clearly felt he had a right to the extra RPs.

Sorry, no idea what you are talking about here. He may well have appealed his ban, but we only found out afterwards what it was for and what had been going on.

Mic's Mob :

Interesting too, how Phalanx is now claiming a moral high ground for his Guild over this, when at least one Damage member was promoting this cheat a day or two before.

Again, no idea what you're talking about. I didn't claim any moral high ground for Damage Inc at all - Damage Inc isn't even involved in this. I merely set the record straight. If a Damage member was promoting this cheat a day or two before, as you say, then come out with it and say who it is. I'd love to know. Sweet Nitro ran a script to find everyone who had tried the cheat over the past few months, and they were all banned. And yet nobody at Damage Inc has been banned.

Mic's Mob :

Also interesting that Damage continues to calls these glitches, when clearly the guilty teams are trying to cheat.

If you read my statement again you'll see I called it both a glitch and a cheat. It's a glitch in the game, and to take advantage of it is to cheat.

Mic's Mob :

No, I’m not supporting La Cag’s banned teams or any team that cheats, I’m attempting to support all the teams and guilds that don’t cheat, and continue to play this game fairly.
And I accept that there are fair playing teams in all guilds, including Damage and Cag.

So are we, and so do we. We have done a tremendous amount to promote fair play in the game over the past few months. I'm proud of that.

Mic's Mob :

But please don’t lecture on cleaning up a game that has equally been made dirty by a guild where members continue to cheat. Clean up your own guild first please because despite all your self promotion post, Damage is still involved somehow in so many methods of cheating.

You keep saying this and accusing Damage Inc of this over and over again and yet you never produce any details. It is against forum rules to accuse people on the forum of cheating, especially if you have no details to back up your claim. If we are made aware of who is cheating and how, then we can do something about it.

Mic's Mob :

This is another marketing post, trying to claim a false victory, as it is full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge. Just attempting to minimise the impact on your own guild by think everyone is the same.
Please don’t reply with your weak justifications, save it for your next LinkedIn article.
I have no support for any guild that cheats. La Cag or Damage.

It's funny, because you say you're not behind the Hell's Kraken forum profile, and yet when Hell's Kraken's first comment to me on the other thread was "here's another sales pitch", it gave you away because you're the only one who calls anything I say on the forum "a sales pitch" or "marketing post"

It's also funny because you're here telling me that my post is "full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge", and yet everything you've just posted here is full of speculation and accusations without facts or details. I mean you're just saying the same things every time you post on the forum, accusations of Damage Inc cheating or being involved "somehow" with cheating, and yet you've produced no facts or details.

And actually everything I've said in my statement above is factual and not speculative. My facts come from the people involved (Kida being one) and from Sweet Nitro themselves who I've been in contact with.

Mic's Mob :

Yes. I will claim a small morale standing over this because I was offered information on how to use this “glitch” by a Damaged member and I had a rant at the person involved. I, at least, stopped it spreading to others in the guild or wider. So Phalanx, may I suggest that you check with all your members before
you are further embarrassed.

Again, "full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge". Nobody at Damage Inc has been banned for this cheat after Sweet Nitro ran the script today. So I insist on a name. Just tell us who it is that you say told you about this thing, and when. Otherwise, please keep your "accusations without facts" to yourself.

Mic's Mob :

PS - Just for clarification I’m Mic, Valkyrie not any Guest nor Hels Kracken; nor any other name. Happy to represent myself.

See comments above, though if you feel the need to keep defending yourself, that's fine.

Definately time to get a hobbie fella
Jungle RFC :

Feck me this game has gone anul. All the long serious posts , it’s a fecking game and one that really has never been good enough to waste money and develope egos about.

You're 100% right mate. I walked away from this thread thinking I don't have time for this, and I was right. I started the thread to set the record straight on a few things and it just spiralled into a long debate.
Dragon blade :

Definately time to get a hobbie fella

This is one of my hobbies. You should see my work emails
Dragon blade :

Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

Mic please, we are trying to move past all this bickering but you keep at it, always something to say every time one of us posts on the forum.

Mic's Mob :

It is indeed an interesting question to how Guest knew straight away? Why report something if they were possibly going to get caught for the same action?

You don't need to speculate on why. They did it to spite those who left La Cag. SN have verified it.

Mic's Mob :

Interesting question to how Damage representatives had so much detail about this from the start and were defending the first banned player!

We got the detail because, as you know, Kida is at Omega who are our friends, and when he was banned he told us why and then told us what RC Cagnan and Gbane (Ivorian) had been doing. That's how we got to know about it. I didn't see anyone from Damage Inc defending the first player who was banned. We didn't even know what he was banned for in the beginning.

Mic's Mob :

Apparently a lack of language skills to explain and he was also appealing against the decision. So he and his supporters clearly felt he had a right to the extra RPs.

Sorry, no idea what you are talking about here. He may well have appealed his ban, but we only found out afterwards what it was for and what had been going on.

Mic's Mob :

Interesting too, how Phalanx is now claiming a moral high ground for his Guild over this, when at least one Damage member was promoting this cheat a day or two before.

Again, no idea what you're talking about. I didn't claim any moral high ground for Damage Inc at all - Damage Inc isn't even involved in this. I merely set the record straight. If a Damage member was promoting this cheat a day or two before, as you say, then come out with it and say who it is. I'd love to know. Sweet Nitro ran a script to find everyone who had tried the cheat over the past few months, and they were all banned. And yet nobody at Damage Inc has been banned.

Mic's Mob :

Also interesting that Damage continues to calls these glitches, when clearly the guilty teams are trying to cheat.

If you read my statement again you'll see I called it both a glitch and a cheat. It's a glitch in the game, and to take advantage of it is to cheat.

Mic's Mob :

No, I’m not supporting La Cag’s banned teams or any team that cheats, I’m attempting to support all the teams and guilds that don’t cheat, and continue to play this game fairly.
And I accept that there are fair playing teams in all guilds, including Damage and Cag.

So are we, and so do we. We have done a tremendous amount to promote fair play in the game over the past few months. I'm proud of that.

Mic's Mob :

But please don’t lecture on cleaning up a game that has equally been made dirty by a guild where members continue to cheat. Clean up your own guild first please because despite all your self promotion post, Damage is still involved somehow in so many methods of cheating.

You keep saying this and accusing Damage Inc of this over and over again and yet you never produce any details. It is against forum rules to accuse people on the forum of cheating, especially if you have no details to back up your claim. If we are made aware of who is cheating and how, then we can do something about it.

Mic's Mob :

This is another marketing post, trying to claim a false victory, as it is full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge. Just attempting to minimise the impact on your own guild by think everyone is the same.
Please don’t reply with your weak justifications, save it for your next LinkedIn article.
I have no support for any guild that cheats. La Cag or Damage.

It's funny, because you say you're not behind the Hell's Kraken forum profile, and yet when Hell's Kraken's first comment to me on the other thread was "here's another sales pitch", it gave you away because you're the only one who calls anything I say on the forum "a sales pitch" or "marketing post"

It's also funny because you're here telling me that my post is "full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge", and yet everything you've just posted here is full of speculation and accusations without facts or details. I mean you're just saying the same things every time you post on the forum, accusations of Damage Inc cheating or being involved "somehow" with cheating, and yet you've produced no facts or details.

And actually everything I've said in my statement above is factual and not speculative. My facts come from the people involved (Kida being one) and from Sweet Nitro themselves who I've been in contact with.

Mic's Mob :

Yes. I will claim a small morale standing over this because I was offered information on how to use this “glitch” by a Damaged member and I had a rant at the person involved. I, at least, stopped it spreading to others in the guild or wider. So Phalanx, may I suggest that you check with all your members before
you are further embarrassed.

Again, "full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge". Nobody at Damage Inc has been banned for this cheat after Sweet Nitro ran the script today. So I insist on a name. Just tell us who it is that you say told you about this thing, and when. Otherwise, please keep your "accusations without facts" to yourself.

Mic's Mob :

PS - Just for clarification I’m Mic, Valkyrie not any Guest nor Hels Kracken; nor any other name. Happy to represent myself.

See comments above, though if you feel the need to keep defending yourself, that's fine.

Definately time to get a hobbie fella

I call BS, I know for a fact no member at Damage knew about the glitch. When they found out about it they were gutted they didn't know about it sooner.

Just to clarify to everyone, It's not a cheat it's just people capitalising on SN inability to make the game glitch proof. Nobody should have got a ban for this.
How did this glitch or cheat work. Is anyone having their accounts hacked on a daily basis, setting changed etc
Caernarfon RFC :

How did this glitch or cheat work. Is anyone having their accounts hacked on a daily basis, setting changed etc

You are having your settings changed too? This has happened to a number of teams in Damage and Omega. It kind of confirms my theory that this is most likely down to Sweet Nitro ineptitude and server glitches or bugs or something similar. Hacking is the least likely explanation in my opinion, as it is a lot harder to do than people think.

The actual hacking situation that Ystrad alluded to was basically cos Cagnan had the log in details of the team/or the actual team on one of his devices and just accessed it and did the dirty.

The glitch was something to do with listing players in the auction house and having them end during the window of time that the game is under maintenance for generating championships. Two teams would buy players off each other and a third would bid the prices up. Then the RP earned would be doubled by all accounts. I had heard about this in a very wish washy way about a year ago, but never really took much notice of the info or investigated further - it was one of those 4th hand half pieces of info that went in one ear and out the other.
Jungle RFC :

Feck me this game has gone anul. All the long serious posts , it’s a fecking game and one that really has never been good enough to waste money and develope egos about.

Someone had to pick up the mantle after Black Monks stopped posting here hahaha
Dragon blade :

Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

Mic please, we are trying to move past all this bickering but you keep at it, always something to say every time one of us posts on the forum.

Mic's Mob :

It is indeed an interesting question to how Guest knew straight away? Why report something if they were possibly going to get caught for the same action?

You don't need to speculate on why. They did it to spite those who left La Cag. SN have verified it.

Mic's Mob :

Interesting question to how Damage representatives had so much detail about this from the start and were defending the first banned player!

We got the detail because, as you know, Kida is at Omega who are our friends, and when he was banned he told us why and then told us what RC Cagnan and Gbane (Ivorian) had been doing. That's how we got to know about it. I didn't see anyone from Damage Inc defending the first player who was banned. We didn't even know what he was banned for in the beginning.

Mic's Mob :

Apparently a lack of language skills to explain and he was also appealing against the decision. So he and his supporters clearly felt he had a right to the extra RPs.

Sorry, no idea what you are talking about here. He may well have appealed his ban, but we only found out afterwards what it was for and what had been going on.

Mic's Mob :

Interesting too, how Phalanx is now claiming a moral high ground for his Guild over this, when at least one Damage member was promoting this cheat a day or two before.

Again, no idea what you're talking about. I didn't claim any moral high ground for Damage Inc at all - Damage Inc isn't even involved in this. I merely set the record straight. If a Damage member was promoting this cheat a day or two before, as you say, then come out with it and say who it is. I'd love to know. Sweet Nitro ran a script to find everyone who had tried the cheat over the past few months, and they were all banned. And yet nobody at Damage Inc has been banned.

Mic's Mob :

Also interesting that Damage continues to calls these glitches, when clearly the guilty teams are trying to cheat.

If you read my statement again you'll see I called it both a glitch and a cheat. It's a glitch in the game, and to take advantage of it is to cheat.

Mic's Mob :

No, I’m not supporting La Cag’s banned teams or any team that cheats, I’m attempting to support all the teams and guilds that don’t cheat, and continue to play this game fairly.
And I accept that there are fair playing teams in all guilds, including Damage and Cag.

So are we, and so do we. We have done a tremendous amount to promote fair play in the game over the past few months. I'm proud of that.

Mic's Mob :

But please don’t lecture on cleaning up a game that has equally been made dirty by a guild where members continue to cheat. Clean up your own guild first please because despite all your self promotion post, Damage is still involved somehow in so many methods of cheating.

You keep saying this and accusing Damage Inc of this over and over again and yet you never produce any details. It is against forum rules to accuse people on the forum of cheating, especially if you have no details to back up your claim. If we are made aware of who is cheating and how, then we can do something about it.

Mic's Mob :

This is another marketing post, trying to claim a false victory, as it is full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge. Just attempting to minimise the impact on your own guild by think everyone is the same.
Please don’t reply with your weak justifications, save it for your next LinkedIn article.
I have no support for any guild that cheats. La Cag or Damage.

It's funny, because you say you're not behind the Hell's Kraken forum profile, and yet when Hell's Kraken's first comment to me on the other thread was "here's another sales pitch", it gave you away because you're the only one who calls anything I say on the forum "a sales pitch" or "marketing post"

It's also funny because you're here telling me that my post is "full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge", and yet everything you've just posted here is full of speculation and accusations without facts or details. I mean you're just saying the same things every time you post on the forum, accusations of Damage Inc cheating or being involved "somehow" with cheating, and yet you've produced no facts or details.

And actually everything I've said in my statement above is factual and not speculative. My facts come from the people involved (Kida being one) and from Sweet Nitro themselves who I've been in contact with.

Mic's Mob :

Yes. I will claim a small morale standing over this because I was offered information on how to use this “glitch” by a Damaged member and I had a rant at the person involved. I, at least, stopped it spreading to others in the guild or wider. So Phalanx, may I suggest that you check with all your members before
you are further embarrassed.

Again, "full of speculation and further accusations without facts or detailed knowledge". Nobody at Damage Inc has been banned for this cheat after Sweet Nitro ran the script today. So I insist on a name. Just tell us who it is that you say told you about this thing, and when. Otherwise, please keep your "accusations without facts" to yourself.

Mic's Mob :

PS - Just for clarification I’m Mic, Valkyrie not any Guest nor Hels Kracken; nor any other name. Happy to represent myself.

See comments above, though if you feel the need to keep defending yourself, that's fine.

Definately time to get a hobbie fella

Good to see you back Warlord. Are you playing again?
Ystrad :

Dragon blade :

Definately time to get a hobbie fella

I call BS, I know for a fact no member at Damage knew about the glitch. When they found out about it they were gutted they didn't know about it sooner.

Just to clarify to everyone, It's not a cheat it's just people capitalising on SN inability to make the game glitch proof. Nobody should have got a ban for this.

Can you please define “Damage members” for me? I think I may have misinterpreted the phrase.

So for an example,
- if a person was not in Damage’s guild when the glitch started to be abused,
- but then joined Damage,
- then promoted the glitch as a Damage members and a Damage glitch
- all before the bans were in place.
- And this person is still in Damage now but not banned.

Would this count as a Damage member knowing and promoting the glitch?
Because I know for a fact that this happened.
I won’t say the name on a public forum but happy to provide the evidence for Damage to recheck their evidence.
Or maybe this person is not called a Damage member.

This is not a vendetta against Damage it’s a vendetta against cheating and lying whichever guild. But if you come on a public forum saying something false be prepared to get called out on it.