Some Clarification on the "Cheats" Thread

Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

Mic's Mob :

I was told about the glitch before all this by a team in a Damage, and promoting it as a Damage glitch.
The team is still playing, I don’t think they had time to test the glitch but certainly had the intention to.
If you have addresses it, then fine. Support that player.
But please don’t say no Damage members were involved.

As I’ve always said, deal with it inhouse, stop peaching your greatness on here. It just looks like dirty Laundry to me.

LOL your anti-Damage hatred is so intense. Hey Mic, nobody in this thread is preaching their own greatness except for you, miss moral high ground. You see you make up these straw men so that you can tear them down .

So I will say one more time for everyone else (not for you who refuses to reason) - the glitch was used by La Cagnannaise teams, not Damage teams. Damage found out about the glitch after the bans. Its probably on that day that you heard about it from a Damage member - if you even did, because you keep saying you did, but I'm still waiting for a name, whether privately or publicly sent.

I find it amazing that the whole of La Cagnannaise were benefiting from this glitch for many seasons and you have no problem with that, but you have a problem with the fact that one of them is now in Damage and that we are friendly with Omega. And yet, you have welcomed two of the La Cag teams who benefited from the glitch into YOUR guild, one of them being run by the same man whose main team is banned for the glitch and for hacking into another team and selling his players.

I have a problem with anyone cheating, Each team who gets banned is in the wrong and should take what the owner of the game deems suitable.

My issue is the number of people on this forum justifying the use, whoever uses it and whichever guild.

Phalanx, As a starter of this thread to "clarify the issue", you put yourself open to another view, I have found your account to have gaps, have some parts inaccurate and misleading. all of which I've highlighted.

Every story has 2 sides, and every team has a chance to improve.

If Damage does change, and I see this, maybe I will turn from a Damage hater to someone that respects them as I used to do before I joined.

I started this thread to clarify the misconceptions and lies spelled out in the "cheats" thread. This I have done.

I have also given clarification on every issue you have raised. If you choose to believe a different view, that's fine - just don't make claims unless you can back it up with facts. You have been thus far unable / unwilling to do this.

I haven't seen anyone justifying the use of the glitch - Ystrad said it was more a glitch than a cheat, but he didn't justify using it.

However, you see no problem justifying Valhalla having a member who is currently banned from his main team for using this glitch and for hacking another team. But you have a problem with Damage having a member who used the glitch before he joined Damage?
Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

I started this thread to clarify the misconceptions and lies spelled out in the "cheats" thread. This I have done.

I have also given clarification on every issue you have raised. If you choose to believe a different view, that's fine - just don't make claims unless you can back it up with facts. You have been thus far unable / unwilling to do this.

I haven't seen anyone justifying the use of the glitch - Ystrad said it was more a glitch than a cheat, but he didn't justify using it.

However, you see no problem justifying Valhalla having a member who is currently banned from his main team for using this glitch and for hacking another team. But you have a problem with Damage having a member who used the glitch before he joined Damage?

I have no problem you having him in your guild. This is not intended to victimize a team or prove they used a cheat.
I have an issue with untruths being called clarification and lies being told about it.
The original post at best was a poor way to promote a better reputation of your guild.

I will send the evidence to anyone that wants to properly and fairly investigate the issues. But I don't want to harm or embarrass an individual. This is about the inaccuracy of your post, not belittling a person.

Just don't spout sentence like no damage members were involved, and claim to be the impartial expert on the matter.

Nevermind Mic.

Oh and don't bother sending evidence. I've asked you 5 times for it now that I can think of. You clearly haven't got any.
P.S. Tell the hacker in your guild I say hello.
Micky you need to take off your La Cag glasses. Your attacking one guy in Damage but not the 3 in La Cag, Why is this?
Btw Snakeman is still fixing games. So I guess your a cheating guild now.
Ystrad :

Micky you need to take off your La Cag glasses. Your attacking one guy in Damage but not the 3 in La Cag, Why is this?

I’m not attacking one guy, on an open forum I’m highlighting the inaccuracy of the statements given by several members.

One person, has a issue, I usually talk to direct where possible.
Ystrad :

Micky you need to take off your La Cag glasses. Your attacking one guy in Damage but not the 3 in La Cag, Why is this?

Now the 'victim' card is pIayed, reaIIy?
Caernarfon RFC :

My setting are being changed on a daily basis, I ended up having to screen shot my settings everyday.

Damage Royal :

Caernarfon RFC :

How did this glitch or cheat work. Is anyone having their accounts hacked on a daily basis, setting changed etc

You are having your settings changed too? This has happened to a number of teams in Damage and Omega. It kind of confirms my theory that this is most likely down to Sweet Nitro ineptitude and server glitches or bugs or something similar. Hacking is the least likely explanation in my opinion, as it is a lot harder to do than people think.

The actual hacking situation that Ystrad alluded to was basically cos Cagnan had the log in details of the team/or the actual team on one of his devices and just accessed it and did the dirty.

The glitch was something to do with listing players in the auction house and having them end during the window of time that the game is under maintenance for generating championships. Two teams would buy players off each other and a third would bid the prices up. Then the RP earned would be doubled by all accounts. I had heard about this in a very wish washy way about a year ago, but never really took much notice of the info or investigated further - it was one of those 4th hand half pieces of info that went in one ear and out the other.

That's really irritating. I sympathise buddy. I have no real answer as to why, but my go-to these days is always Sweet Nitro ineptitude. You can be sure that their incompetence is at the bottom of this in some shape or fashion