How to stop the cheats!

The easiest way to stop cheating in this game; is to stop giving free players if you win the champions cup and give it for winning the league! A prime example is in my league this season; yesterday I had top of the table clash with usap sa mere and guess what he had a losing strat on and I thrash him 84-0 there is no need for this as we all know you can set your strats for each competition so there can be no accidents! I check his result again today and yes you guess right he lost 84-0 again! And to add insult to injury the 3 games he played in between champions cup; gc & tournament he won all 3? So when are they going to stop this cheating and reward teams that play the game fairly?
How is that cheating? The strategies allow it?
If you give the free visa to the league winner, there wont be cup games for extra cash. Lots of teams need the cash. Maybe only the top 7 league positions should be eligible for free visas in Cup games? Or something similar...
Players have been manipulating games in gc tournaments for as long as i can remember to maximize the number of challenges. No one complains about this. Manipulating games for controlling promotions is no different. Its not cheating its just a strat some choose to apply. Get over it and move on.
This is "pay to play" game. Stop trying to tell others how and what they should do or how they should play. If you don't like it you can go play tetris or something.
Courage les amis, un petit coucou pour passer dénoncer que la supercherie continue, que les trafics de ballons d'or, et de pr ne font que s'amplifier, que Nitro continue de fermer les yeux et que les lecheurs de boules ont toujours la bouche pleine...
Bref, c'est pas faute de l'avoir dénoncer et c'est la vision que se fait l'équipe de développeurs de L'ÉQUITÉ....
Je souhaite un bon jeu et tous mes encouragements à ceux qui continuent de parvenir, à malgré tout, tenir tête à tous les magouilleurs en leur mettant des branlées
RCH_83400 Le fantôme de RM :-)))