Scrums and Lineouts

I was wondering if the lineout force was for the entire lineout? i.e. will number 8 need force for number 4 to jump better? or will it just be the lifters either side of a specific jumper? also does the force of 2 matter?

Also is scrum force equal too, does 7 have the same effect as 4 or 1?
Click on the help button on player's attributes page to see more details.

Lineout jump is important only for the jumper you choose in strategy.
Lineout force is important for the lifters.
Scrum force is important for every players in the scrum, especially for the pillars.
Great! Thank you

Also is ruck coordination better position just to avoid penalties? or does it help in how successful you are at winning the ball as well?
I opened the help button but it says 'and' avoid fouls which would imply that it serves another function. Sorry to be so picky but I am genuinely unsure.