Is it better to train players (via training building) or to play training games??

Which will give better returns? Interested if anyone just plays training games??
I play one or two training games and then give my players an intensive training. Let them rest overnight and in the morning some stretching. They're alle fit to play the championship matches at noon this way and i get about 40% improvement.
Training games. Is that friendly games? Or from the map?
From the map, not friendlies
I worked out it takes about 3 games from the map to equal 1 intensive training session, thats if your training center isnt super upgraded yet, at about 300%.. you make a little bit of money for map games but not much, but it is possible for your players to get injured in these games, so unless you have a very tough team these matches might not be the best thing for your team. I make sure I have a championship and tournament match within a hour or so of each other every day, these are the games you get paid a lot for no matter if you win or loose them. befor the matches i'll make sure my team is 100%, then just before match I'll do a quick stretch excersise of 30minutes. Then play the 2 matches, and imediately after 2nd match i'll put entire team + subs on intensive training, 4 hours later i'll do another intensive training, then let players rest till next day to recover fully for next 2 big matches next day. You dont have to wory about low energy when you start 2nd intensive training, even if your energy is very low you can go ahead with training as players wont get injured in training sessions..
A training match is equivalent to a 30 minutes training but consumes more energy.