Open conspiracies, not even trying to hide it anymore, yet still no action from moderators/developers

As if it weren't obvious enough that the usual 4 suspect guilds International Lions/Bluebloods/Lomu Legends and Arena were laundering RP to each other, swapping teams in/out of guilds and even match fixing, they have now changed their 4 teams names to be the same.

Why on earth is no action being taken against these 4 guilds and its members? I'm pretty sure that if this were happening in real life, all teams would be suspended from competing and heavily fined. Surely this is bringing the game into disripute? Bring some credibility back to the game and take action against all members of these 4 guilds.
Actually, that's not factual, many clubs have alliances.
Loan players etc.

Just saying.
I can name a number if you like.
Funny, was there something to hide?? You seem to know it all bluemoaners, does it not go without saying all these guilds know how easy it is to get you to bite!!
No one I know has anything to hide, just having a bit of fun with our guild names, didn't see anything in the rule book saying it's illegal, in the dictionary there's a word Whinger, it's meaning says "Bluemoaners"
Just get on with playing the game or quit, no one will miss you!
Please remember to keep chat family friendly
A loan of an individual player is made from 1 month to 2 years. Not for 1 particular match. That is called match fixing. Sending RP to each other is called laundering. Arranging the victor when 2 guild teams play each other is called match fixing.
Why on earth and why no action is being taken against all members of these guilds?
Please refrain from alleging match fixing like any game on a platform there are ways around issues it's all part of the game and very little can be done
I also notice your facebook rant goes a bit further

"As if it weren't obvious enough that the usual 4 suspect guilds International Lions/Bluebloods/Lomu Legends and Arena were laundering RP to each other, swapping teams in/out of guilds and even match fixing, they have now changed their 4 guild names to be the same.

Why on earth is no action being taken against these 4 guilds and its members? I'm pretty sure that if this were happening in real life, all teams would be suspended from competing and heavily fined. Surely this is bringing the game into disripute? Why are the developers and moderators not bringing some credibility back to the game, by taking action against all members of these 4 guilds?

Surely stripping them of all their inherited ill-gotten RP would be a start? Each case of match fixing should result in demotion for both sides. Each case of swapping teams in and out of guilds should result in gvgs suspended for 10 games. Then if it continues to happen, kick them all from the game. It would benefit the game long term. There are afterall 650,000 players now, so cutting 80-100 teams would be no loss and would give the remaining teams a chance of breaking in at the top."
The job of a moderator is to make sure the forum is an area where issues can be discussed without intimidation or bullying and kept to a family friendly level
And alliances are strong in rugby.
English premiership and championship is full of alliance and feeder clubs.
Incl a recent 2 game loan of players from one club to another.
Incl one club managing another's finances too

I have to say if your so upset by all the actions then you maybe better placed not to start threads on the forum trying to antagonise people