Seems lots of people have left or there is no fight at the top, they are all soft teams.
#1 rank and top players are soft these days
I'm going to beat mooners to this! What's your name no mark?!?
Black Monks :
I'm going to beat mooners to this! What's your name no mark?!?
I'm going to beat mooners to this! What's your name no mark?!?
Not as soft as you me little flower
Nah the top is full to the brim of sackless losers! No fight at all.
....says he hiding behind a guest username
Well i do resemble jelly at times
guest_1444399862609 :
Seems lots of people have left or there is no fight at the top, they are all soft teams.
Seems lots of people have left or there is no fight at the top, they are all soft teams.
What a little poes
MasseGat :
What a little poes
guest_1444399862609 :
Seems lots of people have left or there is no fight at the top, they are all soft teams.
Seems lots of people have left or there is no fight at the top, they are all soft teams.
What a little poes
With "Spuitpoep" coming from his keyboard warrior Troll mouth.
How many times have you been No.1 "guest_numptyname"?
He has a point though guys you are all soft