Pack Attack :
Now this doesn't always happen, it doesn't even happen alot, but when it does, it happens at the most inopportune of times with the computer calling the most idiotic of plays. It's pretty crazy to call a quick hand off to only have your QB drop back and wait for the LB who's barreling down on him. I know this game is not perfect, am I the only one to have this happen?
check that folders Delay pack.. I missed changing one of mine from auto to 0 once and well I paid for that for a few games till i stopped it.... might be it..
but ya it drives me insane when the QB decides to keep the ball and run right into 3 defenders lol... I do wish they would add QB plays in.. but there are times the game just does it's own wacky stuff...
When the def stacks the line and they push your oline back it can cause the qb to do some wacky things....